What you need to know about Internal Family Systems Therapy

Internal Family Systems is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on a client’s internal “parts” and “Self.”. In a core of IFS is a belif that IFS, the mind is considered to be naturally made up of multiple sub-personalities or families within each individual’s mental system. These sub-personalities take on different roles, such as an inner critic or inner child, and consist of wounded parts and painful feelings like anger and shame.

The goal of IFS is to help clients access Self so that they can heal wounded parts and bring their minds into balance.1 IFS is an evidence-based practice used to treat a range of mental health disorders including anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and eating disorders. Treatment usually occurs in outpatient settings (in-person or online) with sessions lasting approximately 45 – 60 minutes. Sessions range in cost from $100 to $200. The treatment timeline depends on the issues you want to address.

What Is Internal Family Systems Therapy?

Internal Family Systems therapy is a non-pathologizing approach to psychotherapy It emphasizes the natural multiplicity of the mind. The grounding assumption is that there are no bad parts, only parts forced into bad roles. When a client learns how to access Self, they can then heal their wounded parts. This brings the whole system into harmony and allows the person to become more Self-led. The natural side effect of this healing is a reduction in problematic or symptomatic behavior.

What Can Internal Family Systems Therapy Help With?

Originally, IFS was developed by Richard Schwartz in the 1980s to help people suffering from eating disorders. Since then, the model has been used to treat a wide range of mental health diagnoses as well as non-clinical issues. The disorders that Internal Family Systems can help with range from anxiety to depression to suicidal ideation. IFS is also used for people struggling with issues related to self-esteem, anger, shame, and more.

Is Internal Family Systems Therapy Effective?

Internal family systems therapy was designated as an evidence-based treatment in 2015. Although much of the evidence regarding the efficacy of IFS is anecdotal, major research studies are ongoing and will hopefully provide scientific evidence to support what IFS therapists consistently see.

Bessel van der Kolk, a Dutch psychiatrist and one of the leading researchers on trauma, has strongly backed the use of IFS. In his book, The Body Keeps the Score, van der Kolk details his own experience using IFS with clients suffering from traumatic experiences and relationship conflicts

How Is Internal Family Systems Therapy Different Than Other Therapy Options?

IFS is different from other models of psychotherapy in that it emphasizes the natural multiplicity of the mind. It is less solution-focused than most modern psychotherapy models. Instead it focuses on helping clients become more Self-led with the understanding that as Self-leadership increases, disordered thoughts or behaviors naturally decrease.

If you would like to learn how Internal Family Systems Therapy can help you, feel free to give me a call at

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